Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008

Dota 6.53

Dota 6.53 mainly contains bugfixes such as bug which occurred with Magic Immunity and Haunt. However, Icefrog also added several new features. A new hero was added named Goblin Clockwerk. To give you a short review of the new dota hero goblin clockwerk, it is a strong caster hero with several offensive skills.

Here a short video of the goblin, the new hero:

There are currently no bugs reported, for the full changes of the 6.53 defense of the ancients map please see here. Below you find a Dota 6.53 download. I attached two mirrors, one rapidshare mirror and one megaupload mirror. Choose the one you like most and enjoy.

Rapidshare dota mirror
Megaupload dota mirror

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